CBB65-370R1255 12.5 uF 370 VAC Capacitor 12099 COLEMAN 1499-563 1499-5631


Price is based on number of products purchased. Please refer to the table below for pricing.

Quantity Unit Price
1 – 9 $15.69
10 – 24 $12.00
25 + $9.96

17 in stock


Part Number: CBB65-370R1255

Capacitance: 12.5 uF (mfd / microfarad)

Voltage: 370 VAC

Typically used in: motor run, HVAC, air conditioning, UPS, refrigerator, general purpose applications

Replacement for: OEM P/N: 12099
COLEMAN: 1499-563 1499-5631
(For other cross-reference, please visit this link.)

Original Equipment Manufacturer’s (OEM) part numbers are used only for reference.
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