Here you can find useful frequently asked questions that will help you in choosing the right capacitor for your application.
If you still have inquiries that need to be attended, don’t hesitate to Contact Us!
Q: The product image is small/cropped, I want to see more of the image.
A: Please click on the image and it will enlarge. You can click the image one more time to enlarge it further to its original size.
Q: I am interested to your products and I want to know how much will it cost to ship to my location.
A: You can go to our Cart or Checkout page and select your desired shipping method to calculate the shipping cost to your location.
Q: I have a carrier account that I want to use for shipping.
A: We are working on implementing this feature and hope to complete soon. In the mean time, please contact us in order for us to manually enter your order and ship using your carrier account.
Q: I don’t reside/ship to Illinois and/or I have tax exempt document but I am being charged with tax.
A: Illinois sales tax only applies for orders shipped to Illinois. If you have tax exempt ID, you can enter that information on the checkout page.
Q: I am trying to complete my order but it says that no shipping is available.
A: Please confirm you have entered a valid State and Zip Code combination.
Q: I am using Credit Card to checkout but is not going through.
A: Please confirm the billing information entered. The billing information should match the billing information of the card being used. Please also check and confirm the expiration date of the card; our site use MM/YY format.
Q: I have inquiry that is not mentioned here.
A: For requesting quote on our products or if you have other inquiries, please complete our online form and we’ll get back to you shortly.